Matcha ButterBuzz Latte

I felt like the energizer bunny at the office yesterday after my latest culinary experiment - Matcha ButterBuzz Latte.

I ordered ButterBuzz after learning about the product from Charlotte Kikel on Instagram. I usually avoid dairy, aside from occasionally cooking with organic ghee.  I decided to give Butter Buzz a try once I learned about its high-quality ingredients. Butter Buzz is little pods of goodness that you blend with brewed coffee, tea or other hot beverage. These pods are made of  organic grass fed butter, organic raw unfiltered honey, organic raw vanilla powder, organic raw cacao butter, organic ground Ceylon cinnamon powder, organic coconut oil and hydrolyzed marine collagen. High-quality healthy fats are important to support optimal metabolic function and hormone balance. Fat is also necessary for absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). Grass fed butter is high in vitamin K2 which can help to protect your arteries and reduce inflammation in the body.  Raw honey contains several beneficial minerals including magnesium and zinc as well as a number of B vitamins. Cinnamon supports healthy blood sugar regulation. Coconut oil has natural antimicrobial effects, important for people who struggle with candida, for example. The marine collagen is sourced from wild caught kosher fish which is important since my husband and I keep biblical kosher.

I received my order last week and have been experimenting ever since. So far I've blended it with Mushroom Coffee and Dandy Blend. Today was my first time trying it with Matcha, which is a Japanese Green Tea. Matcha is high in antioxidants, improves energy and supports concentration and focus. It also helps your body to detox. Usually when I make Matcha tea, I boil the water and then use a hand whisk to blend in the powder. They say necessity is the mother of invention. I had been up late the night before watching The Truman Show with my husband and needed an energy boost. I was also short on time, so after making my Mango Kiwi Smoothie, I decided to put the desired ingredients into my blender to make a Matcha Latte. We own the Vitamix Professional Series 750. I love the preset programs since I can throw in the ingredients and do other things while the tastiness blends. I selected the soup setting and put the following ingredients into the Vitamix.

I saved time on waiting for water to boil and hand blending the tea by using the soup setting.  The result was a frothy, lightly sweetened green tea latte. If your blender doesn't have this option, blend Matcha tea that is already brewed with the ButterBuzz pod for the same tasty result. Many times when making a healthy lifestyle change it is easier to make a substitution than to take something away. ButterBuzz makes a good substitute for traditional coffee creamer with its very questionable ingredients.

Have a tasty weekend!


Unplug and Enjoy God's Creation


Mango Kiwi Smoothie